Goals and Billboard

Goals and Billboard

Setting Up Calculations

Setting monthly Goals for your staff can help them monitor their progress and their contribution to your company. You must first set up the Calculations for each goal, then you can create specific Goals for each employee.
Calculations allow you to track features about your business and use them in the development of Goals for your staff. You can set up Calculations for things like Gross Retail Sales, Gross Service Sales, Number of Tickets, Average Retail Per Ticket, or just about any other metric you can think of.

Calculations are set by going to Setup: Finance: Calculations. Several examples will be listed. Setting up a calculation requires only that you add the steps necessary to compute the information you want to track. Calculations are used as the basis for Goals and may be used elsewhere within STX.

Click the New Calculation icon to add a new calculation. The following screen will appear for creating the first step of the new calculation.

Use the popup menus to make changes to the first step of the new calculation. Apply Conditions to the step by checking the Where box. Add more Conditions by clicking the + button. Remove unwanted Conditions by clicking the – button. Add Nesting Conditions by clicking the … button.
Nesting Conditions are conditions within a condition. For example, you want to know how much of the Shampoo product group OR the Conditioners product group is sold on a service ticket. You will need a combination of AND & OR statements to do this. The only way to accomplish this type of combination is with a nested condition.
This will calculate the Net Price for products where (service subtotal > 0.00) AND (product group is Shampoo OR product group is Conditioners). Click OK to keep your changes or Cancel to stop editing the current step.

Enter a name for the new calculation. Remember all calculation names must be unique. To change the name of the calculation, double-click on the name and make the necessary changes.

To build your calculation, click the New Step icon to add a new blank step.

Click the Delete Step icon to delete the selected step.

Actions and Measures are used when creating the steps for each calculation. Each calculation must have at least 1 step. You can add as many steps to the Calculations as necessary for setting staff Goals.

Rearrange the steps into the desired order by dragging the step numbers into the appropriate placement.

To change the Active or Inactive status of a calculation, click on the checkbox next to the calculation name to change its status. A checked box means that the calculation is Active and an unchecked checkbox means that the calculation is Inactive. Only Active Calculations will appear in this list unless the Show Inactive button is checked.

To remove a calculation, highlight the calculation you wish to remove and click the Delete Calculation icon. Only Calculations that have never been used can be deleted. If you wish to delete a calculation that has already been used, your only option is to mark it as inactive.

Click the Save icon when your changes are complete.

Calculations Samples

STX has several calculations already set up to help you get started. Feel free to customize them to suit your needs, or, create a few of your own.

Service Sales

The Service Sales calculation requires only a single step. The Net Price of a service refers to the amount after discounts charged to the client.

Retail Sales

The Retail Sales calculation requires only a single step. The Net Price of a product refers to the amount after discounts charged to the client.

# Of Tickets

The # Of Tickets calculation requires only a single step. This refers to the actual number of tickets for each employee.

Average Ticket $

The Average Ticket $ calculation requires 3 steps. The first 2 steps add the amount after discounts charged to the client for both products and services. The 3rd step takes an average of the total from steps 1 and 2 combined.

Retail Per Ticket

The Retail Per Ticket calculation requires 2 steps. The Net Price of a product in the first step refers to the amount after discounts charged to the client. The 2nd step divides the total net of products sold by the total number of tickets for each employee.

% Guests With Retail

The % Guests With Retail calculation requires 2 steps. The first step has a condition applied to guarantee the ticket includes a retail subtotal. The 2nd step divides the number of tickets with a retail subtotal by the total number of tickets for each employee. 

Retail To Service %

The Retail To Service % calculation requires 2 steps. The Net Price of a product or service refers to the amount after discounts charged to the client. The first step calculates the total net of products sold and is divided by the total net of services sold in the 2nd step.

Staff Goal Setting

STX makes it easy to base future goals on past performance. Each calculation that you've set up is available here and you can create specific goals for each employee.
To set goals for staff members / employees, go to Setup: Employees: Goals. Highlight the employee for whom you wish to set goals. You can multi-select employees when setting and calculating goals by holding the Apple (command) key on the keyboard.


Shows the list of active calculations. Selecting calculations from the list will limit the table to only the selected calculations. You can multi-select calculations when setting and calculating goals by holding the Apple (command) key on the keyboard. 

Start and End Parameters

Setting the start and end months will limit the number of months visible within the goals detail table.  

Goals Detail Table

The goals detail table shows the Calculation, Month and Target. The Target represents the target goal for each calculation, month and employee. By multi-selecting employees, you can set these values for more than one employee at a time. By multi-selecting multiple months, you can calculate goals for more than one month at a time.

Calculate Goals

The Calculate Goals button is disabled until the elements in the table that you wish to set are selected. Simply single or multi-select every value in the table that you wish to set, and then press the Calculate Goals button.

Once you press the Calculate Goals button, you'll be presented with the following drop-down sheet. 

The drop-down sheet allows you to set the goals to either the average value or actual value from the last 12 months plus a variable percentage increase or decrease. By default, the percentage is set to a 10% increase.
The average value option calculates the average value for the past 12 months. The actual value option uses the true value for that month from a year ago, if it is available.
Set the values as necessary and press OK to have STX automatically set the target for each calculation by employee. Pressing Cancel will simply not set goals for the selected Calculation.
The Target goal will automatically be set, representing a value of either a dollar, and number, or a percentage the employee should try to achieve by month’s end.
If you choose not to have STX automatically calculate the Goal for each employee, you may also double-click in the Target field to manually add a  value.
After the desired Goals have been calculated for each employee, click Save.

Goal Reporting

Goal reporting can help your staff understand how they contribute to your business. Allowing your staff to review their performance throughout the day will help them achieve their goals and increase your profitability.


Each employee for whom goals have been set will appear in the list. You can select any number of employees within this list to help limit the table beneath it.


Each calculation for which goals have been set will appear in the list. You can select any number of calculations within this list to help limit the table beneath it.


Each month for which goals have been set will appear in the list. You can select any number of months within this list to help limit the table beneath it.

Performance Table

The Performance Table lists the employees, calculations, months, target values, current values, percent of goal to date, and a value representing what the employees are on track to achieve.
Target represents what the employee must achieve by month’s end.
Current represents where the employee is currently.
% of Goal represents what percentage of the target goal the employee has achieved.
On track for allows your team to understand where they will be at month's end if they continue at the same pace they have achieved so far.
Each time a ticket transaction is entered into STX, the Current, % of Goal, and On track for values are updated with new information.

Last Fetched indicates the date and time that the information displayed was last updated.

Click Refresh to once again gather the information for Goals Reporting.  


The Billboard is a liquid visual display of employee goals. You decide which goal calculations will appear on the Billboard, what color is associated with the calculation, and how long you would like for the Billboard to display each calculation. In order for the goal calculations to appear, each employee must have Goals set for the current month.
Go to Setup: Finance: Calculations to indicate which Calculations you want displayed on the Billboard.

Each Calculation must have a badge Billboard Color. 

Click the Billboard Color: color box to select the desired Badge color. 

The Colors pane will appear. Select the color and close the pane window. The badge Billboard Color will be set.

Go to the STX menu and select the Preferences option. Go to the Billboard tab. Adjust the slider for how long you wish the employee focus to display. 

If you want the employee images to display, check the Display Employee Images on Billboard checkbox.

Choose the Billboard option under Reporting to view the rotating summary of employee goal achievement. By default, the Billboard launches in a new separate Window Mode.
To launch the Billboard in full screen mode, simply hold down the Option key while selecting the Billboard. Exiting full screen mode returns you to STX. Either swipe your fingerprint or type a password to exit full screen mode.
When swiping fingerprints, STX responds immediately to acknowledge the swipe even before completely verifying the identity of the individual. After typing a password, press the Return or Enter key on your keyboard.
Each Goals calculation will be displayed and will rotate the summary of each employee. Goals will only display for employees who are scheduled to work the current day.
Employees are listed according to how close they are to reaching their goal. The badge Billboard Color is in the upper right-hand corner of the Billboard window.
Each time a ticket transaction is entered into STX, the % of Goal value is updated with new information. 

STX for iOS app 

Viewing Goals using the STX for iOS app
If you are using the STX for iOS app, used on the iPhone, iPod touch or iPad, you may view the status of each of the Goals calculations for each employee.

After logging into the STX for iPhone app, tap the Goals button in the lower-right hand corner of the device’s screen.

If logging in as OWNER, or as an employee whose employee security allows them to view all employees, a listing of all employees where Goals have been calculated will appear. If employee security does not allow the logged in user to view all employees, only the logged in user’s name will appear.
Tap an employee’s name to view the different calculations.

Each of the Goals calculations for the employee will appear in the list, including the current percentage of how close the employee is toward reaching (or exceeding) the goal.  Tap a Goals calculation to view further details. 

There are different types of goal windows based upon the type of goal. Depicted below are goals based on service sales, number of tickets, and average dollar per ticket. Each goal calculation will present a different window.

Amounts and percentages will update every time a ticket transaction is entered into STX. 

Percentages will appear in the following colors.
GREEN = 100% or higher of target goal reached
YELLOW = 90 - 99% of target goal reached
RED = less than 90% of target goal reached
The Current / Day amount is the current average or dollar per day, not the current day’s totals.
The Current amount is the current average per day, not the current day’s total.
The Target / Day amount is the amount the employee needs to reach in order to meet the Goals calculations on a per day basis.
The Target / Day Left amount is the amount the employee needs to reach in order to meet the Goals calculations per each day for the remaining number of Work Days Left.
The Target amount is the amount the employee needs to reach in order to meet the Goals calculations.
The Surplus amount is the amount the employee has exceeded over the Goals calculations.
The Shortfall amount is the amount the employee has yet to reach in order to meet the Goals calculations.
Work Days Left refers to how many days are left in the current month.

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